WHO: People interested in food law!
WHAT: Food Law Student Network Digital Event Series
WHERE: Zoom – see specific links!
WHEN: March 15-20th
Please join the Food Law Student Network for our week long digital event series! Below you will find registration links and information about each event, speakers and the time. We hope to see you there!

Monday, March 15th, 2-3 pm CT:
Hemp: Industrial Production, Evolving Regulations & Needed Developments
Blake Jackson, Policy Officer & Staff Attorney, Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative
Cristina Buccola, Founding Attorney, Cristina Buccola Counsel PLLC

Wednesday, March 17th, 2-3 pm CT:
Beverage Law under FDA Jurisdiction
Nury Yoo & Arturo Reyes, Keller & Heckman

Thursday, March 18th, 12-1 pm CT:
Row Crops: Policies, Subsidies, and the Upcoming Farm Bill
Jonathan Coppess, J.D., Assistant Professor, Director of the Gardner Agriculture Policy Program, University of Illinois, Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Economics
Thursday, March 18th, 7 PM CT:
Film Night Event: Food Chains
Watch the 2014 documentary film, Food Chains, before the event & join us for a group discussion. Find the film at no cost here.
You may join our discussion event here!

Friday, March 19th, 12-1 PM CT:
Meat Alternatives: Exploring the Regulatory & Technological Advances in Plant-based Meat, Cultivated Meat, and Insects as Food
Professor Marie C. Boyd, University of South Carolina School of Law
Nicole Manu, Attorney, Good Food Institute
Professor Steph Tai, University of Wisconsin Law School

Saturday, March 20th, 12 PM CT
Virtual Brunch! We may not be able to meet in person this year, but we can still connect and discuss all things food law!
Please help us celebrate a fabulous week of events with a virtual brunch filled with food, fun, and the opportunity to connect with fellow FLSN members! Like our virtual dinner parties last semester, there will be cooking, games, and vibrant conversation!